Articles sharing what I've discovered. I hope they make you more awesome!
Notable Large Language Model (LLM) Providers
April 26, 2024
Listing which LLMs are made by which companies.
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Secrets of Generative AI Training Data
February 29, 2024
Uncover the industry secrets behind GenAI training data.
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Generative AI is a Programmer's Assistant
January 27, 2024
Choose the most code-smart and program-capable LLM for your work.
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Build a Prompt Library for Generative AI
December 23, 2023
Start your GenAI Prompt Library in 2024. Create a wealth of knowledge for you and your company.
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GenAI - Framing Your Perspective
December 02, 2023
My ProductCamp Unconference 2023 talk serving as a gentle introduction to AI and LLMs.
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November 19, 2023
Journey into Generative AI's potential utilizing ChatGPT to dissect and ideate around a novel.
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Accelerating Business with Generative AI
September 02, 2023
See how collaborating with ChatGPT offers valuable support for business users like sales, marketing, biz dev, PM, and even finance.
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Learn GenAI and ChatGPT for Future Success
August 16, 2023
Play around with Generative AI today and gain future success! Use it to accelerate your work in five distinct ways.
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May 11, 2023
See how using the temperature parameter can lead to a normal conversation or swing to crazy talk
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May 06, 2023
JSONL is a modern data file format that's better than CSV in every way you can measure.
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November 16, 2022
How to build an interactive ReactJS webapp and host it on the AWS cloud.
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May 17, 2022
Successful software architectures do these nine things to create great APIs with fantastic developer experience.
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Learning Solidity and Cryptocurrency
February 03, 2022
Learning notes as I go through a Solidity tutorial practicing how to program with cryptocurrency.
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July 31, 2021
Investing in stocks became my new hobby during Covid lockdown because saving money doesn't pay.
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Lessons from 10 Years with Sabre
May 17, 2021
How to improve your career. My collected wisdom for helping you that I learned from my ten years of work at Sabre.
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January 17, 2021
Your API product design choices completely influence the experience programmers have using them. Will they be good or bad?
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December 17, 2020
What does it mean when you have the feeling Imposter Syndrome is taking over.
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October 06, 2020
Discovering machine learning reveals a fascinating technology that will surely change your chosen industry.
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Scaling Images Up and Down with CSS Transform.
July 30, 2020
Scaling an image on a web page was confusing, until I used CSS Transform.
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New at Work? Beginners Add Value Too!
July 18, 2020
New at work? What if you treat your rookie status as an opportunity?
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July 11, 2020
Switching from "Why?" to "How?" during furlough made a huge, positive change in my attitude.
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My Mental Framework for Working Better
July 05, 2020
Approaching my career as a computer programmer means staying valuable to my company and helpful to teammates.
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Overcoming a Perfectionist Mindset
June 21, 2020
Perfectionism is deeply wired into us as humans by conscientiousness. We fear the unknown instead of enjoying its rewards.
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June 11, 2020
Don’t be afraid to just jump into a fresh subject and try making something. Burnt cookies aren't mistakes, they're tasty lessons!
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May 13, 2020
A brief intro to serve as your jumping-off point for understanding core tech frontend web developers use daily.
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December 18, 2019
Feeling like an impostor is a normal human response. How we choose to react to that feeling results in our success or suffering.
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Captain Marvel and Succession Management
March 07, 2019
Succession management and super heroes. It's one thing that Earth's Mightiest can teach us about teamwork.
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January 30, 2019
Want to meet new people but not sure how to start? Open up to new possibilities by sitting out in the open.
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December 06, 2017
New at work? What if you treat your rookie status as an opportunity?
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Excellent Teams Depend on Trust
April 23, 2017
There’s no doubt about it. When I’m trusting in my teammates, and being trusted by them, we’re performing together big time!
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10 Things About Human UI that Will Change Forever In Self-Driving Cars
December 04, 2016
The UX of cars has gotten worse over a century of use. It needs to be better for humans, and self-drive may be the best solution.
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October 14, 2016
There’s no doubt about it. When I’m trusting in my teammates, and being trusted by them, we’re performing together big time!
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August 06, 2016
Would you teach a class of eager learners at univeristy if you could? You definitely should!
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10 Easy Ways Conference Speakers Can Improve Their Sessions
March 18, 2016
Public speaking seems very hard for most people and it's easier than you think. Let me help you!
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March 10, 2016
We can statically hold on to what we have, but that type of control is an illusion. Let go and have success.
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Top-10 Things I Learned in 2015
December 29, 2015
All of us should retrospect on our year, and share some learnings with one another. How did we improve?
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Measuring the Mobile Experience
October 23, 2015
Let's measure how valuable newly added user interface is by tracking how much it's used.
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Big Design 2015 – Conference Trip Report
September 22, 2015
Big Design is my favorite conference and I took away loads of pro-tips, memories, and collected key presentations.
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September 07, 2015
A Poster reminding me, and you, that you can help stop the spread of bad code.
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JavaScript – The Universal Language
August 17, 2015
A Poster reminding me, and you, that you can help stop the spread of bad code.
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Innovation is Stupid – Let’s Give it a Brain
April 30, 2015
Innovation is fascinating to me. Until a few years ago I’d never read nor said the word. Does it mean anything?
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10 Tips for a Winning Hackathon Pitch
April 24, 2015
Volunteer at a hackathon and
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My Top 5 Favorite Newsletter Subscriptions
November 07, 2014
Volunteer at a hackathon and
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10 Leadership Lessons from the 2500 Year Old Tao Te Ching
October 27, 2014
The Tao Te Ching is a Chinese text written over 2,500 years ago. I expect you’ll feel as though it speaks to you today.
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Are Web Components Your Future for Building Websites?
July 12, 2014
We can better share each other’s work at the UI/DOM level via new first-class HTML citizens.
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Should You Write a Book? Five Reasons to Say Yes!
June 07, 2014
When you think, “Can I write a book some day?” just say yes, and get started!
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Writing Killer Conference Proposals
April 18, 2014
Public speaking can raise your career to the next level. It all starts with the proposal. Here's proven ways to write a fantastic one.
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Writing a Book – Making Promises to Readers
March 29, 2014
Public speaking can raise your career to the next level. It all starts with the proposal. Here's proven ways to write a fantastic one.
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NodeJS Deploying Files to AWS S3
January 25, 2014
AWS S3 is a performant cloud-storage service and use can easily deploy to it with a Node command-line utility.
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A Hackathon Winning Tech Stack
November 18, 2013
Competing in a hackathon takes creativity, vision, discipline and luck. Not to mention brilliant technology. Find out which here.
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Cooking and Coding – Mixing My Passions
September 15, 2013
I’m reflecting on two of the things that truly define my character - cooking and coding. Both passions have surprisingly overlaps.
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Public Speaking - Top 12 Resources for You
July 14, 2013
I've listed resources I'm finding helpful for delivering to an audience, crafting the presentation, and applying to speak.
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Tech-Stack Checklist for a Modern Single-Page Web Application
May 13, 2013
Here is a tech stack for a modern single-page web application for Android, iOS, and mobile browser.
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May 06, 2013
APIs, health, and cross-functional teams are just a few of my takeaways from the Big Ruby 2013 conference.
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Hey App Maker – Your Settings Menu Is All Full of Crazy
April 30, 2013
Mobile app makers are out of control and no one likes using them any more.
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BackBone Model Unit Testing with Jasmine
March 29, 2013
Writing reliable JavaScript code at scale is difficult. Fortunately we have options for making it more reliable with unit testing.
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Three Types of Social Sharers Your App Should Enable
February 04, 2013
Writing reliable JavaScript code at scale is difficult. Fortunately we have options for making it more reliable with unit testing.
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January 21, 2013
Standing desks are something that are supposed to make us healthier because sitting at a desk all day is horrible for us.
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Serving a Web Page Demo from Amazon S3 + BlueHost
January 02, 2013
Simply host a static website using Amazon S3 as a web server.
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Why I Crowdsourced My 2013 Performance Review
January 02, 2013
What happened when I solicited my teammates for direct feedback on my 2013 end-of-year review.
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They Are Not Resources – We Are People
September 28, 2012
Headcount, resources
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“Debugger” Statement Makes Javascript Development Easier
September 26, 2012
JavaScript debugging is challenging. Our favorite language has a big help - it’s the “debugger” keyword.
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My 5 Year Old Daughter Learns to Program
September 11, 2012
Being a life-long programmer I always wondered how I could share my passion for building software with my child.
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Google Chrome Dev Tools Pro-Tips
August 24, 2012
Not only is Chrome an exceptional web browser, it’s a built-in expando debugger.
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Date Handling in JavaScript is Hard – Make It Easy With Moment.js
April 09, 2012
I have several web app projects that all deal with timestamps. Dealing with all this stuff is horribly boring. Moment.js makes is easy!
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